Hackathon Timeline
Registration starts
01 July 2023
08:00 PM GMT+7
Registration ends
31 August 2023
11:59 PM GMT+7
Hackathon starts
01 July 2023
11:59 PM GMT+7
Hackathon ends
31 August 2023
11:59 PM GMT+7
Results announced
03 September 2023
08:00 PM GMT+7
Talks and other events
Axelathon Workshop 1
Day 1: Introducing
Session 1: Warming with Axelar Sandbox
• Introducing Axelar Sandbox
• Walkthrough example use cases provided in Axelar Sandbox (Airdrop, Hello World, Ping Pong)
• Explaining cross-chain ERC20 token and giving a bootstrap code with some missing code to run on the Axelar Sandbox with test cases
Session 2: Build your own cross-chain token
• Deploy a simple ERC20 with the remix IDE to multiple chains.
• Roleplay cross-chain ERC20 flow manually with Etherscan. The student will act as each axelar component, from the burning token in the source chain, passing through the axelar gas receiver, axelar gateway, axelar validators, and axelar relayer, to minting the token in the destination chain.
• Implement both sender and receiver logic into the ERC20 contract.
• Etherscan contract deployment and verification
• Interact with etherscan to bridge the ERC20 token cross-chain.
• Introducing Axelarscan.
Session 3: Build a cross-chain token with an interchain token service
• Introducing interchain token service
• Deploy a new interchain token using Axelar Service Portal: https://testnet.services.axelar.dev/
• Interacting with interchain token service through Remix IDE
16 July 2023
12:00 PM GMT+7
Axelathon Workshop 2
Day 2: Cross-chain NFT walkthrough
Session 1: Introducing cross-chain NFT
• What is NFT? What component does it compose?
• Show the risk of having NFT dedicated to only one chain.
• Highlight the Terra case and the Apetimism case.
Use cases in cross-chain NFT.
Session 2: Build your own cross-chain NFT
• Deploy a simple ERC721 with the remix IDE to multiple chains.
• Roleplay cross-chain ERC721 flow manually with Etherscan. The student will act as each axelar component, from the burning token in the source chain, passing through the axelar gas receiver, axelar gateway, axelar validators, and axelar relayer, to minting the token in the destination chain.
• Implement both sender and receiver logic into the ERC721 contract.
• Etherscan contract deployment and verification.
• Interact with etherscan to bridge the ERC721 token cross-chain.
• Introducing Axelarscan.
Session 3: Cross-chain NFT buying
• Listing NFT locally with axelar wrapped token using seaport standard (Code provided).
• Craft payload for buying recently listed NFT from another chain.
• Submit payload to Axelar gateway contract and pay on the source chain.
• Explain the pain point of listing and buying with axelar wrapped token.
• Introduce an idea to use Squid to buy an NFT cross-chain.
22 July 2023
12:00 PM GMT+7
Axelathon Workshop 3
Day 3: Introduction of a novel DAO use case
Session 1: Walkthrough on the use cases of cross-chain DAO
• Discussing the basic concepts of DAOs and their operations.
• Introducing the common challenges faced in the blockchain space due to lack of cross-chain on DAO operation.
• Walkthrough of the use case of cross-chain attestation through the user interface.
• Demo how cross-chain attestation works.
Session 2: Explore the problem and solution to the DAO’s NFT pain point
• Explain the pain point that DAOs are facing in buying cross-chain NFT.
• Explain how CrossDAO help solves this problem.
• Demonstrate buying NFT from other EVM chains and cosmos chains.
Session 3: Understanding CrossDAO's integration with Axelar
• Explain each line in the smart contracts related to cross-chain attestation.
• Highlight parts in the frontend that are responsible for interacting with connecting wallet, Axelar SDK, GMP, and • Cosmos GMP.
Session 4: Exploring new innovative CrossDAO use cases
• Explain how to integrate with CrossDAO
• Give example ideas on CrossDAO integration
06 August 2023
12:00 PM GMT+7